Hallo hab für euch den neuen Skin Aeon Nox Silvo Ultimate Topics (Version 6.2.14) für Kodi 18. Die neue Version von Silvo hat etliche Erneuerungen bekommen. Von mir wurde dazu hinzugefügt : Skin Settings auf Deutsch komplett. Zu finden unter Power: Skin Settings Topics (damit können die Settings gespeichert und gewechselt werden.
11/05/2020 Aeon Nox. Aeon Nox 5: Redux. 6.1.0 Skins BigNoid 98,133 9.44 MB Mar 7, 2018. Redux: Completely redesigned to create a modern look, while retaining the classic Aeon feel. What's new in this version? Fixed eventlog, added year to movie/tvshow list view, removed the page counter, add metacritic/rt/tmdb ratings. Forum. Wiki. Source . Website. Download. Kodi. Kodi (formerly XBMC) is a free and open I can’t seem to find how to install Aeon Nox 5 Silvo for firestick anywhere. Every link only shows for computer. I know there are full builds but every full build gives me problems eventually so I rather just make my own build with the skin and only add a few things to keep it … About SuperRepo and Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO. SuperRepo does not maintain Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO. We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (Created by BigNoid , Modded by SiLVO) and do not provide help for this particular addon.
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meh.. still have to get used to having some many aeon versions in our repo ;-) gimme a minute and i'll review SILVO. @manfeed i accidentally pushed Aeon Tajo 1.3.9 to the repo, i hope that's not a problem? 11/05/2018 The Aeon Nox 4K is a brand new Kodi Build for Leia from Phoenix Wizard. It has sections for Movies, Kids Hub, Live-TV, Music, You Tube, Sports, Weather and it comes with new Working Kodi Add-ons The Crew, Ultra Instinct, Luxray Video, Nole Cinema, Area 51, Vile, Self Help and more. Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO vs Auramod. Close. 9. Posted by. Not A Mod. 9 months ago. Archived. Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO vs Auramod . Which skin is better? I use all devices (windows, Linux, Android) SILVO is very good but everyone is praising Auramod, so I wonder which is better? 18 comments. share. save hide report. 80% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast
The Aeon Nox 4K is a brand new Kodi Build for Leia from Phoenix Wizard. It has sections for Movies, Kids Hub, Live-TV, Music, You Tube, Sports, Weather and it comes with new Working Kodi Add-ons The Crew, Ultra Instinct, Luxray Video, Nole Cinema, Area 51, Vile, Self Help and more.
20/06/2020 i just switch back to Aeon Nox to look and it does seem to be gone, i would just create a submenu of system and put it in there. Go to system Click interface Go to skin and click Configure Skin Go to Home Window and click Setup the Aeon Nox main menu Scroll down to system click manage submenu Click add then click Change Action Click Settings then click Add-ons Change label to what ever you